Top 5 Internet Marketing strategies
- Basic Search engine optimization
- Blogging
- Online video
- Free reports
- Auto-responders, creating an e-mail list and following up
Internet Marketing Strategy #1 SEO.
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It is the process of optimizing your blog or website to rank highly in the search engines. It consists of using keywords, back-links, quality and relevant content. A lot of people believe that once they create their website they can just sit back and wait for the traffic to roll in. This is simply not true. Using pay per click can get you traffic if you have the budget but using proper SEO can help you get to that coveted 1 page of Google where all the traffic is.
Internet Marketing Strategy #2 Blogging
I cannot begin to tell you how much blogging has helped my business grow. Once I actually got into blogging I found it to be extremely fun for me. It opened the doors for a wealth of information for me to share and read as well. It's like ongoing training. Blogging also helps to create an on-line presence for you. You may have the best product in the world but many people may be reluctant to buy from you because they don't know you. Blogging can help establish you as the professional that you are. By providing your niche market the quality information they are looking for you are building a trust factor. This builds up a following of people that are looking for what you have and since they now trust you they are less reluctant to buy your products. If you have optimized you blog for the Search Engines using strategy #1 you can find yourself quickly moving up the ranks of Google. Did I forget to mention that this is a great way to meet awesome people that can help your business grow.
Internet Marketing Strategy #3 video
Ever heard the term Viral Video? This happens when individuals see a video online and share it with their friends who share it with their friends who share it with...Okay you get the point. Think about the power your message could have if every one wanted to share it with everyone else. You could produce a video blog where you speak in front of the camera as opposed to writing it down. Or maybe a good how-to video. You-tube has become the premier source for videos on the net. People flock to this free service in the millions for everything from learning business, to their favorite music video, to funny animal videos, learning how to play the guitar, and anything else you can think of. Not to mention the traffic those videos can bring to your website.
Internet Marketing Strategy #4 Free Reports
This is similar to the concept of blogging in the respect that you are giving people something for free to build up your online presence, reputation, and following. People love getting stuff for free. I mean hey who doesn't. But the key is to give them something of value. If your niche is dog lovers it makes no sense to give them coupons for 50% of cans of cat food. Therefore you give information relevant to the field you are in. That way when they give you their contact information you know it is someone searching for what you have.
Internet Marketing Strategy #5 Auto Responders
Ever heard the expression "the money is in the list"? Well they are right, your list is your client base. The Auto Responder got it's name from the way it operates. You create a series of emails and when someone opt's in by giving you their email address the auto-responder automatically responds to them with the series of emails you have created. This is an invaluable tool that saves countless hours and also makes sure that you stay involved with your client base. The key with auto responders is to make them sound very personal don't make your client seem as if they are just an email to you.
Understand for maximum results these internet marketing strategies should be used in conjunction with each other. Take your time and learn each method and how it can help your business. To help you I will create a series of posts over the next few days going over each one in detail. Thank you for your time and don't forget to pick up your free copy of "Success in 10 steps" over in the left hand column
“Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.”
Abraham Lincoln