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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Mentors your partners for success

No matter what your business is, whether it is mlm companies, affiliate marketing, online or off line, a mentor is needed for success.  It is said that we learn from mentorships and mistakes.  A lot of successful people have "failed their way to success". There is nothing at all wrong with making mistakes as long as you learn and grow from them.  However, mistakes can be very costly.  The time wasted on doing it the wrong way then unlearning it to learn the correct way makes the journey to success a very lengthy one.  The mistakes you make can also put a hefty hole in your business account. 

Of course, if you realistically have a vision for your success you must fund this vision.  Having a mentor can help make sure you spend money on those things needed to ensure your success and not every internet guru's next big thing.  I know when I first started my online business my desk top was cluttered with every e-book, wealth report, video series, or anything and anything else I could get my hands on. I spent thousands of dollars and hundreds of nights at my computer looking for that next big thing that would ensure my success.

Until one day my life changed.  I was on a social network and came across a lady by the name of Terri Pattio.  After reading her profile and finding out that she helps people like me I was elated.  The thing that really caught my attention was that she said she was a mentor with a servant's heart.  But best of all she offered MENTORING FOR FREE.  This was unheard of to me.  Every internet guru I ran across charged thousand of dollars to offer their help.

You may think you know all there is to know about business. But there is always someone that can help.  If you have all the info and you are successful then this post isn't really for you.  However, you may think about doing some mentoring yourself. There are a lot of people out there that could use your help.  No matter what your business is there is someone for you.  Please do not be afraid to ask for help.  I have actually included a link where you can actually talk to a mentor.  I believe I have the greatest mentor in the world and if you would like to meet her you can.  She's the lovely lady in the picture you see.  Just click on her name Terri Pattio and let her know I sent you.


  1. Excellent blog for business development....
    Marketing Plan

  2. Thank you very much Marcova, I try. I hope that you find all I write informative and helpful. Please subscribe so that you do not miss out on anything. The greatest thing I can give for business development is the ebook in the left hand column entitled "Success in 10 steps" by Michael Dlouhy. It is a life changer. Thank you for reading my blog
