It is imperative in Mlm companies that you are coachable. Someone that believes they know everything and that there is nothing that anyone can teach them is not very coachable. Let's look a little deeper into this.
If you can handle failure well (by accepting fault and not blaming others) and are willing to try agin until you get it right.
If you keep striveing to learn new and innovative ways to grow your business.
If you welcome feedback AND do not get defensive when people give you constructive critisism or disagree with you.
If you can realize and openly discuss your strengths and weaknesses.
If you are willing to apply the lessons and ideas that you recieve from others.
If you actually are willing to seek out others to learn those things that you do not know.
If you agree with these statements then you are definitely coachable
For the majority of people finding themselves stuck in their mlm companies and not going anywhere it is most often because of pride. Pride is a great thing to have in your self and your accomplishments. However, when pride gets in the way of your forward motion it becomes counter productive.
When you will not accept ideas from other people.
When you will not accept criticsm no matter how constructive it is.
When you have a burning need to be right all the time.
When you place a wall up to guard against the ideas of others.
When you feel as if you can do it all by yourself and do not need input from anyone.
When you do not realize and are not willing to discuss your weaknesses.
When you are not interested in being coached you are definitely not coachable.
If you fit more into the coachability list then great for you, you are going to go far in this industry. However if you fit more into the selfish list of the second, all is not lost, you can still make a successful career in network marketing. However you have a long road to go. You must learn to listen twice as much as you talk. It is for this reason we have two ears and one mouth.
If you have a wanting to be coachable and/or want success in your mlm companies you can start by reading the free ebbok Success IN 10 Steps by clicking the link on the left. It gives you a great foundation by teaching you how to think not what to think. The great thing about this book is that it will work in any business. BUT we won't stop there in keeping up with coachability I will take it two steps further by providing you with mentorship and training at no cost to you CLICK HERE
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