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Monday, December 26, 2011

organic search engine optimization

I know many, if not most of you have heard the term Search Engine Optimization.  But, how many of you have ever heard of Organic Search Engine Optimization?  If you read my last post entitled "Top 5 Internet Marketing Strategies"  you may have looked for this post to be titled "Basic Search engine optimization" or simply SEO.  Well I wanted you to truly understand why using this technique can ultimately help your home based business.

Search engine optimization is basically the process of optimizing your website or blog so that it ranks highly in the search engines.  So when someone searches "Google"  you want to show up on the first page.  The reason for this is simple.  When you do a search, do you ever look past the first page?  Okay well maybe you do, however the majority of people do not.  So you want to rank on the first page where all the traffic is. 

This process consists of 3 main factors
  •  Keywords
  •  Quality and Relevant Content.
  •  Back-links
 I want you to look at the word organic which basically means natural.  You want your SEO work to appear "natural" on your page.  But more importantly it refers to the fact that it is unpaid advertisement which is good for your business because it is duplicate-able .  This means that you can teach it to your down line and they can teach it to theirs and you can create a better business without worrying  if someone will be able to afford your marketing techniques

This is a quote taken directly from a Pay-for-Performance SEO company's website on a particular keyword phrase

    Top 3 positions USD 200/mo.
    Top 5 positions USD 150/mo.
    Top 10 positions USD 100/mo.

This is a quote for a keyword I chose when first starting out.  Now although there are other keywords that are much more costly, paying this type of money can really hurt your bank and it is not duplicate-able. Meaning others in your company may not be able to afford it.  Using Organic Search Engine Optimization I hold the top 2 spots of Google for this particular  key word and I did it all for free.   Sounds good huh?  Hooray for me right?   Unfortunately, no one is searching for this Keyword which means I am getting no traffic for this keyword.  It seems I had my search settings set to Broad when choosing this keyword when I should have had them set to exact.  Luckily this mistake only cost me my time in building back links not the $200 a month this company charges.

Once you have chosen your keywords and done your research you need to write quality and relevant content.  This is the part of SEO work that I love the most.  It allows you to brand yourself by giving away quality content that can help your target audience.  Most people love getting things for free and your readers start to trust you because you are creating articles that help them.  Your readers in turn start to want to "pay-it-forward"  because you have created such great content, that they want to share it with their friends who share it with their friends and thus begins the process of content syndication.

Back-links are basically a way of telling Google that your website is worth taking a look at.  These are links from other websites that point to your website.  The more inbound links your website has the higher rank Google will give you.  There are different classes of links and it helps when the links are coming from sites that rank high in Google and have to do with what your website is about.  I'll help you out.  I have a free tool that can jump start your back linking.  You can create, as a free member 25 high quality back links every day.  It comes out to be about 175 a week and 750 a month.  That's as a free member, an upgraded member can create 300 links a day. Just think of how fast you can climb Google.   Just click the image and start building back links today.  

Organic search engine optimization is highly specialized and complex and can literally produce success or failure in your business.  However, it is not difficult if you can just place yourself into the mindset of your audience.  If you can see life through John Doe's eyes you can sell John Doe what John Doe buys.   This means thinking like your target audience.  How would they search for what you have to offer?  What type of thing would they need help with?  Zig Ziglar once said "You can have everything you want in life, if you help enough other people get what they want"

I hope that this post has lessened some of your fears about SEO.  You do not have to pay a company thousands of dollars a month to do your SEO work.  With a little bit of initiative you can dominate your niche using Organic Search Engine Optimization.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Top 5 Internet Marketing strategies

In yesterdays blog post I spoke of the proper use of Social media marketing and how it can help your business however there are many people out there that sill believe Facebook and the other social networks should be left for today's youth.  I believe that you would be elated if you truly understood what social media could do for your company.  However if you still refuse to jump on the band wagon I have  5  Internet Marketing strategies that will drastically change your business

Top 5 Internet Marketing strategies

  1. Basic Search engine optimization
  2. Blogging
  3. Online video
  4. Free reports
  5. Auto-responders, creating an e-mail list and following up

Internet Marketing Strategy #1 SEO. 
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It is the process of optimizing your blog or website to rank highly in the search engines. It consists of using keywords, back-links, quality and relevant content. A lot of people believe that once they create their website they can just sit back and wait for the traffic to roll in.  This is simply not true.  Using pay per click can get you traffic if you have the budget but using proper SEO can help you get to that coveted 1 page of Google where all the traffic is.

Internet Marketing Strategy #2 Blogging
I cannot begin to tell you how much blogging has helped my business grow. Once I actually got into blogging I found it to be extremely fun for me.  It opened the doors for a wealth of information for me to share and read as well.  It's like ongoing training. Blogging also helps to create an on-line presence for you. You may have the best product in the world but many people may be reluctant to buy from you because they don't know you. Blogging can help establish you as the professional that you are. By providing your niche market the quality information they are looking for you are building a trust factor. This builds up a following of people that are looking for what you have and since they now trust you they are less reluctant to buy your products. If you have optimized you blog for the Search Engines using strategy #1 you can find yourself quickly moving up the ranks of Google.  Did I forget to mention that this is a great way to meet awesome people that can help your business grow.

Internet Marketing Strategy #3 video
Ever heard the term Viral Video?  This happens when individuals see a video online and share it with their friends who share it with their friends who share it with...Okay you get the point.  Think about the power your message could have if every one wanted to share it with everyone else.  You could produce a video blog where you speak in front of the camera as opposed to writing it down. Or maybe a good how-to video. You-tube has become the premier source for videos on the net. People flock to this free service in the millions for everything from learning business, to their favorite music video, to funny animal videos, learning how to play the guitar, and anything else you can think of. Not to mention the traffic those videos can bring to your website.

Internet Marketing Strategy #4 Free Reports
This is similar to the concept of blogging in the respect that you are giving people something for free to build up your online presence, reputation, and following.  People love getting stuff for free.  I mean hey who doesn't.  But the key is to give them something of value.  If your niche is dog lovers it makes no sense to give them coupons for  50% of cans of cat food.  Therefore you give information relevant to the field you are in.  That way when they give you their contact information you know it is someone searching for what you have.

Internet Marketing Strategy #5 Auto Responders
Ever heard the expression "the money is in the list"?  Well they are right,  your list is your client base.  The Auto Responder got it's name from the way it operates.  You create a series of emails and when someone opt's in by giving  you their email address the auto-responder automatically responds to them with the series of emails you have created. This is an invaluable tool that saves countless hours and also makes sure that you stay involved with your client base.  The key with auto responders is to make them sound very personal don't make your client seem as if they are just an email to you.

Understand for maximum results these internet marketing strategies should be used in conjunction with each other.  Take your time and learn each method and how it can help your business.  To help you I will create a series of posts over the next few days going over each one in detail.  Thank you for your time and don't forget to pick up your free copy of "Success in 10 steps" over in the left hand column

“Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.”
Abraham Lincoln

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Don't let your Social media marketing plan ruin your business

Social media marketing has become one of the most important tools used in both small businesses and corporate America.  It is extremely useful because it gives you access to a high number of people that may be interested in your product.  It gives you the ability to meet and greet people while at the same time compiling an extensive contact list.

Sites like Facebook and twitter have proved to be massive tools in the industry.  They both provide detailed information about their members.  This is very helpful to marketers in finding new prospects because it allows you to search for the particular type of client they are looking for in their business.

However most marketers fail to use the social aspect of social media marketing by Spamming their lists.  The key is to come up with valuable content and use it as your voice.  You may have great information that could be the breaking point in someones life but they look at you as someone that doesn't know what they are doing because all they get from you is spam, not quality content.  It is for this reason that you should interact with those members that you consider prospects.  STOP TREATING THEM LIKE PROSPECTS (so for now on we shall call them new friends)!  let your "new friends" know what you do. BUT DON'T PITCH! let them know that you are here for them if they need you.  Get to know them by asking them what they are into.  Try to avoid using questions that can easily be answered by a yes or a no.  But avoid making it seem as if you are drilling them.

Once you find that you have a good following you should update your content on a regular basis.  A blog is a great place to accomplish this as it gives your readers value and therefore more of a reason to trust you because you've added value to their lives not just a sales pitch.

It is very easy to get wrapped up in the social aspect of your social media marketing campaign and forget that you are running a business.  It may be beneficial to you to keep a business account separate from your personal account.  It would pain you greatly to know that you've ruined your business because you said something to one of your Facebook friends that was never meant to be displayed to your "New Friends".  Also realize that even if you are able to keep all of your business sense in order, being tagged in a pic of one of your friends doing drugs or something is very bad and remember the old adage  "you are guilty by association".

Coming up with the right social media marketing strategy may take some trial and error but don't give up. With the right method you can reap great rewards in your business.  If you need to know where to start you can download the free eBook in the column to the left entitled  "Success in 10 steps"

"Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude".
Thomas Jefferson

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

What is a Wealth Accountability Partner?

Success can be done alone but why make it harder?

As an employee you have a supervisor to track your progress and hold you accountable to do the job you were hired to do.  However as entrepreneurs we have no one to make sure that we stay on point and do whats needed to get the job done.  Could this be the reason why so many fail in their first year of business?  Hmm, its definitely worth looking into statistically.  A great way to make sure you stay on track is to write a  to-do list.  But at that point you still have to hold yourself accountable.  How hard is it to do that?  Well for some it's very hard.  The concept of an accountability partner generally started around the 1960s as a way for people to help each other lose weight.  It is a beautiful concept and for many the only way for them to reach their goals.

But this concept spans far greater than just weight loss.  Why not have a "wealth accountability partner"?  Someone that helps you to stay focused and on the business at hand.  Someone that can encourage you when it starts to get hard and all you want to do is crawl under the covers and wait for it to be over.  Having an accountability partner can really mean a lot for your small business.  For some it motivates them to do more, out of fear of embarrassment  to the partner for lack of progress.  However, your partner should never belittle you or make you feel ashamed, the goal of an accountability partner is to motivate.  Besides, as an entrepreneur you must remove your self from toxic conversations and  eliminate people that gossip or talk negative.

My accountability partner and I text each other every day at 1:00 PM with a simple question.  "What have you done for your business today?"  That time is perfect because if nothing has been done it's still early enough to get a jump on things.  It really means a lot to people to know that there is someone out there that genuinely cares about them and their success.

The person that you choose does not have to be in your business although that may be best (unless that person is competitive and does not want to see you succeed. If that is the case why are they in your life anyway?).  You just need a business minded person that wants to see you succeed through increased  productivity.  However you choose to interact with your partner is truly up to you because you know what works best for you.  Whatever you choose, make sure it stays consistent for at least 21 days.  It is said that anything done consistently for 21 days becomes habit.  However, if you miss a day you have to start over.

Starting out in business you want all the help you can get. A wealth accountability partner can certainly help.  However it is just one of many tools needed for success.  If you take a look over to the left you will see a book called "Success in 10 steps"  by Michael Dlouhy.  click the image to download this free e-book and find out some other tools needed.  HERE'S TO YOUR SUCCESS!

"We are accountable for our decisions in our personal life so why shouldn't we be just as accountable in our work life." Catherine Pulsifer

Sunday, September 11, 2011

A day in my life

I just wanted to take you guys on a quick tour of my day. This is the entrance to my 1.6 million dollar house. I generally wake up around 6:30 to wake the kids up. I love the look on their face when I kiss them good morning and the wife loves it because she doesn't have to get up early.  I always tell her that she doesn't need the beauty rest but she loves her dreams.  She tells me that she dreams in color (what ever that means).  Then I like to check my bank account while the kids get washed up.  luckily I have 5 bathrooms, so no one has to fight over them.  Generally over night I usually make between 5-8 thousand dollars.  Depending on how late I worked the night before it may be $10,000.   Then I set up the automation for the day.  The tweets and social media messages I want to go out and at what time I want them to go out. At 7 AM I go down to the kitchen where my chief has breakfast ready for the kids.  I heard breakfast is the most important meal of the day.  I always tell him to make a meal for him instead of me because I've never been a breakfast person.  I just take a shot of LIMU PLUS and my VITA ONE, don't worry I'll grab a big lunch later.

 At 7:45 my driver is at the door to take them to school. After he drops them off he's headed to the airport to chauffeur for several companies that I rent him out to. It doesn't pay a great deal after it covers his full salary plus benefits which include his housing, medical, tuition for his children as well as the insurance for my fleet of 6 luxury cars.  I'm not going to talk about my cars here because I don't want to seem as if I'm bragging. At that point my chief goes over to my restaurant to start on the lunch menu and to get his staff ready to cater what ever wedding or event is being held.  I keep telling him to hire a bigger staff, but he likes the crew he has and since he makes the meals for my family I like what ever makes him happy.

At about 8:15 I take a tray up to my sleeping beauty.  I like to make her breakfast in bed myself.  She actually has gotten spoiled by it because I see the smile on her face as I step off of the elevator.  I always wonder how long she's been up waiting on this.  And although the juice is freshly squeezed from our own orange trees I still say her kisses are the sweetest.  I log back on to my computer to make sure that everything is set up for the day and to read my emails and put together a revised TO-DO list.  I always make one before bed for the next day but  a new day brings new ideas.  So I add them as well.  My wife holds conference calls while she eats and it's funny to say that at any given point I have no idea which of her nonprofit organizations she's on the line with because she hardly ever talks. she just listens and occasionally gives an idea. I asked her about it and she says that's why she hires those people because they can run the company with little input from her.  She was the one that let me know how much money could be made in non profit. Go figure.  After I log off and place her tray in the dumb waiter we bounce ideas off each other while the recorder tracks those golden nuggets. Then we hold each other and go back to sleep.

This is about the time that most of you wake p to go to your hum drum 9-5 robot like no future having job where you are reduced to the likes of a battery. Now understand I've told you this not to brag or make you feel bad about your life because of the way I live only to open your eyes to show you what you can have if only you stop blaming yourself and do something about it.  I can provide you with the tools.  I can give you the mentor-ship you need to achieve the life style of YOUR dreams.  I'm no different than you. I recieved my high school diploma from one of the worst schools in Detroit.

The difference is that I never gave up. And I will continue to work my business until I get all of the things I wrote about in this post.  Now this story is not the life I live but this is the life I see for myself.  and who said I cannot have it.  I will continue to work my business until all of those dreams come true and at that point I'll have to replace them with new ones. This is what motivates me to continue to work late into the night and continue when it gets hard and stressful.  I will not be satisfied until my children's, children's, great, great grand children are set for the rest of their lives.  This is what motivates me.  What about you?  No I did not write this post just to gas you up.  This is actually the life I see for myself as I glance at the pictures on my Vision board. If you have never heard of one or would like to know how to create one, check out my post   Can a vision board help your success.  And remember "your dreams are not in danger of being to big, only in danger of being too small.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Being Coachable - Guaranteeing success in your mlm companies

MLM companies can provide some of the most satisfying and rewarding careers available.  If done properly it can be extremely profitable while allowing you to set your own schedule which means more time to spend with family, friends, and hobbies.  However I must tell you Network Marketing is not for everyone.  Some people just aren't coachable.  In this business you may have to unlearn what you have been taught or what misconceptions you may  have about direct selling.

It is imperative in Mlm companies that you are coachable.  Someone that believes they know everything and that there is nothing that anyone can teach them is not very coachable.  Let's look a little deeper into this.

If you can handle failure well (by accepting fault and not blaming others) and are willing to try agin until you get it right.
If you keep striveing to learn new and innovative ways to grow your business.
If you welcome feedback AND do not get defensive when people give you constructive critisism or disagree with you.
If you can realize and openly discuss your strengths and weaknesses.
If you are willing to apply the lessons and ideas that you recieve from others.
If you actually are willing to seek out others to learn those things that you do not know.
If you agree with these statements then you are definitely coachable

For the majority of people finding themselves stuck in their mlm companies and not going anywhere it is most often because of pride.  Pride is a great thing to have in your self and your accomplishments.  However, when pride gets in the way of your forward motion it becomes counter productive.

When you will not accept ideas from other people.
When you will not accept criticsm no matter how constructive it is.
When you have a burning need to be right all the time.
When you place a wall up to guard against the ideas of others.
When you feel as if you can do it all by yourself and do not need input from anyone.
When you do not realize and are not willing to discuss your weaknesses.
When you are not interested in being coached you are definitely not coachable.

If you fit more into the coachability list then great for you, you are going to go far in this industry.  However if you fit more into the selfish list of the second, all is not lost, you can still make a successful career in network marketing.  However you have a long road to go.  You must learn to listen twice as much as you talk. It is for this reason we have two ears and one mouth.

If you have a wanting to be coachable and/or want success in your mlm companies you can start by reading the free ebbok Success IN 10 Steps by clicking the link on the left.  It gives you a great foundation by teaching you how to think not what to think.  The great thing about this book is that it will work in any business.  BUT we won't stop there in keeping up with coachability I will take it two steps further by providing you with mentorship and training at no cost to you CLICK HERE

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Look Ma it's so shiny!

Have you or anyone you know been affected by "Shiny Object Syndrome"?  It's a condition where you spend hours of your precious time and tons of money looking for the "Next Big Thing

How many programs have you joined that promised if you join and pay a few hundred dollars you can sit back, log on each day, press a button, and you can make thousands of dollars in thirty days?

After you joined were you told that you had to buy some product that was a must have. After buying that you were shown some software that you had to buy to put your business on autopilot?

How did that work for you?  My best bet is that it didn't.  So after the second or third month you got out of it (hopefully) and thought yourself a failure.  You are not a failure and it is not your fault that you were not successful in that business.  It was not meant for you to be successful only to leave you broke.  I have driven down this path and many others like it in search for "The Next Big Thing".

Many entreprenuers have quit before they had a chance because they ran into this type of scam or were left to broke to go on.  I was not one of them.  I knew there was a legit way to make money online.  So I set off to find free ways to make money. Sounds better huh? I had no chance of loseing money so I had nothing to worry about right?  Wrong.  I lost something more valuable than money.  I lost time.  I was downloading every thing I could find, signing up to get emails from everyone that claimed to know what they were talking about.  This lead to information overload. Not to mention all the space it was taking up on my hard drive.

I've learned a lot over the years.  Now I've found that I have to unlearn those things and learn the proper way.  Many of those tips were outdated or unduplicatable. The changing point in my life was finding a mentor.  She offered me mentoring for free as well as access to a team of professionals with integrity.

So if you have ever fallen for scams of any kind or just want to avoid being scammed read Success in 10 steps and allow it to open your eyes so that you will never be scammed again.  Also if youre looking for mentorship and training it will be provided to you at no cost.

So stop mining for fools gold and try what works

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Mentors your partners for success

No matter what your business is, whether it is mlm companies, affiliate marketing, online or off line, a mentor is needed for success.  It is said that we learn from mentorships and mistakes.  A lot of successful people have "failed their way to success". There is nothing at all wrong with making mistakes as long as you learn and grow from them.  However, mistakes can be very costly.  The time wasted on doing it the wrong way then unlearning it to learn the correct way makes the journey to success a very lengthy one.  The mistakes you make can also put a hefty hole in your business account. 

Of course, if you realistically have a vision for your success you must fund this vision.  Having a mentor can help make sure you spend money on those things needed to ensure your success and not every internet guru's next big thing.  I know when I first started my online business my desk top was cluttered with every e-book, wealth report, video series, or anything and anything else I could get my hands on. I spent thousands of dollars and hundreds of nights at my computer looking for that next big thing that would ensure my success.

Until one day my life changed.  I was on a social network and came across a lady by the name of Terri Pattio.  After reading her profile and finding out that she helps people like me I was elated.  The thing that really caught my attention was that she said she was a mentor with a servant's heart.  But best of all she offered MENTORING FOR FREE.  This was unheard of to me.  Every internet guru I ran across charged thousand of dollars to offer their help.

You may think you know all there is to know about business. But there is always someone that can help.  If you have all the info and you are successful then this post isn't really for you.  However, you may think about doing some mentoring yourself. There are a lot of people out there that could use your help.  No matter what your business is there is someone for you.  Please do not be afraid to ask for help.  I have actually included a link where you can actually talk to a mentor.  I believe I have the greatest mentor in the world and if you would like to meet her you can.  She's the lovely lady in the picture you see.  Just click on her name Terri Pattio and let her know I sent you.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

S.M.A.R.T. goals, the key to success

No matter what you are trying to achieve in life, it is important to have goals set for yourself.  If you are striving towards wealth, health, or happiness.  All can be achieved through effective goal setting.  Throughout your entire life you have been asked to set goals for yourself.    A goal to walk.  Another to talk. Grab a pencil, pen, or chalk. So many things required with out your knowledge or acknowledgement.  But all required with the hopes that you become a better person!

You may not have realized it, or chose to ignore it.  However, your very well being always teetered upon goals set for your future.  If you do not strive everyday to become better, you become stagnant.  If you have never heard that word or know not what becomes of stagnation, place a bucket of water in your yard and do not touch it.  If the smell does not get to you the creatures that lay waste to your negligence should be proof enough.  But guess what, even those parasites that you would just assume to dump have goals set for how they will provide for the new colonies they have created in that ecosystem.

With that being said I place a call to all of the higher life forms reading this. Realize, If you want a successful business weather you choose to work towards mlm companies, retail, service orientated or otherwise, you must set forth goals for your success.  Now lets get started.  First of course you have to figure out what the goal is for.  

 If you are concerned with health your goal might be to lose weight.  Sounds like a great goal,  but how much weight loss are you trying to achieve? Just to say lose weight isn't good enough.  You need to have something specific to work towards.  So lets say your goal is to lose 10 pounds.  That is specific goal.  But more is needed like a time frame. Because it may take you ten years to drop 10 pound but you've reached your goal.  So was this effective goal setting?  No. For a goal to be truly effective it needs to be SMART.  Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic,and Timely

When you set forth a goal for yourself it needs to be specific. If the goal you seek is vague your chances of reaching it are also.  Lets look at business.  Everyone that owns a business is in it to make money.  Of course there are those that just love what they do and do it for no other reason, however if they do not make money how can they continue to have a business.  You may need to make a certain amount of money to cover expenses so that you can make a profit.  Once you have that figured out  you also need to figure out what you are going to do to achieve it as well as why it is important that you achieve this goal.  Answering the question of why it is important can help you to stay focused and motivated.

Your goals have to be measurable.  If you can not measure it how can you track progress.  You can have short term mini-goals set into the main goal and check them off as you reach each milestone.  Saying I want to be wealthy is not measurable.  However saying I want to make $10,000 a month is because you can track progress of how much you are currently making and track progress made until you reach that goal.  Measuring progress also helps you to stay on track also watching progress being made is great motivation because seeing those milestones being reached encourages you to do more.  “One of the greatest discoveries a man makes, one of his greatest surprises, is to find he can do what he was afraid he couldn't” Henry Ford

When you set forth a goal make sure it is actually attainable.  If your goal is far fetched subconsciously you probably won't commit to it anyway. However when you know your goal can be reached you start to find ways that you can achieve it.  If you have a goal that you want bad enough you will find ways to achieve it, things you may have not noticed before. You have what is called a Paradigm shift.  This is when your
mind shifts towards a greater realization of self.

Lets be realistic here.  If you set a goal for yourself that is just ridiculous or that you have no intention of putting forth the effort to accomplish it just won't happen.  That's not to say that you should not have high expectations. Actually the higher you set the goal the more motivation you have to work towards it.  If you set low expectations you more than likely wont put forth much effort.  Honestly I can not tell you what a realistic goal is.  Only you know your limitations and how far you can push yourself to achieve maximum results.

Lastly, your goal needs to be tangible and timely. As I said in the weight loss example you have to place a time frame on your goal.  By placing a time frame you can measure your success as you reach towards your deadline.  Your goal also needs to be tangible. Meaning something that effects one of the five senses. By doing this and working diligently towards it you can have  a better chance of achieving your goals

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Mlm companies Can a vision board help your success

The Bible tells us in Proverbs 29:18  "where there is no vision, the people parish.   This makes so much sense.  Without  vision what is there to motivate us to accomplish greatness?  Everything that was ever  created started with a vision.  The chair you sit in, the computer you work on, and even you, all started as a vision.  In the preceding blogs I gave you a three part series. The first was entitled "Is Your Desire Strong Enough For Success?"  The second being  "Faith Without Works Is Dead" and the last "It's Time For Action!"  This series gave you three key components to begin your journey towards success.  However, I would be remiss to leave you with out giving you the tools required  to fuel the things I spoke of.  Therefore, today I will speak of Vision boards, what a vision board is, and how to create the vision board.

No one can tell you what you can and cannot have on your vision board because it is what you desire, put your faith into and work towards.  So with that being said. A vision board is simply an instument used to visually remind yourself of what you are working towards.  For instance on my vision board I have a picture of a school.  I have this because I am in the process of starting one.  I know it's going to be a long process, but I have the image on my board to remind me to work towrds it everyday.  I also have cars and houses.  I have a skyscraper that symbolises what I want as my office building.  There are a lot of other things I have on the vision board but you get the point.

On your Vision board you may have images that arent as specific.  Or maybe you have words such as freedom, pertaining to your working towards your freedom from your current job.  Or maybe pictures of starving kids that you want to help. Products you want to sell from your mlm companies or your desire to find one that is not a scam.   Remember your dreams are not endanger of being too big, only of being too small.  "The greater danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it". Michelangelo  The purpose of the device is to have a reminder of why you work so hard.  Something that when the stress piles up you can look at your board and say "Oh yeah thats what I'm doing it for".  Remember It does not matter what other people think of it.  Because they make lack vision for themselves and even if they have a vision board of their own it is for their life not yours.

Without the visionaries of the world we would be a much less advanced society.  So charish those visions and work towards them dilegently everyday for your success. Constantly look towards your boards for motivation.  Now on to how to make a vision board. The bible says write the vision down and make it plain upon paper.  The best vision boards are made with the construction boards used in school science projects.  These boards offer a lot of space and fold for storage or travel.  You can decorate it with borders or what ever makes you happy. I dont have borders or decorations on mine because I need all the space it holds.  Remember this is your vision use it however you feel you need to.  Magizines are great places to find images you want to use.  Remember we live in a tecnological age so the computer is an invaluble tool.  Simply search for the items you have always dreamed of, print them out, and put them on your board.

The bigger your vision is the more likely it will motivate you to do big things.  Don't worry if you start to find your self running out of room on your board you can always have more than one.  Don't hesitate to place an image because of the price.  That is the whole point of it all.  Those things that cost the most will give you the most reason to strive harder.  A vision Board is not enough for success you still need training and mentorship to help you get those things you do so desire.  So click here to read Success in 10 steps and if you do I will make sure you get all the training you need for success.  Make sure you subscribe to this blog so that you do not miss the tips given and help with mlm companies and other businesses as well as my next post on effective goal setting.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

It's time for action!

Now as we come to the conclusion of this 3 part series It's time to take some action steps.  It's time to delete some people out of your life. Although this may seem hard, it is necessary.  We sometimes have toxic relationships and don't even know it.  Someone once said "If you hang around 9 bums you will surly become the 10th one.  However if you hang around 3 millionaires it's inevitable that you will become the 4th one.  Along with the mental change you must have a change of environment.  Ever heard the expression "birds of a feather flock together?"   Statistically you make 5-10 thousand more or less than your peers per year.

 You have to surround yourself with people that believe in you and motivate you to do better.  Those individuals that bring you down have to go.  That is not to say that you start to walk with your nose in the air.  But you must realize there has to be a change.  Also understand it's not that you start deleting anyone who doesn't make a gazillion dollars, it's just that "people are like elevators they will take you up or they will take you down".  Decide if you want to go up or down.   I am around individuals that start to talk negative I leave.

Any and everything  that you do not have in this life is because someone talked you out of it. There is an individual (sorry his name escapes me) Who wanted to invest in a business with two brothers.  It was an investment of $3,000.  The money was not the problem.  He was excited about his plan.  However upon talking to his brother he was informed of how stupid he was.  Listening to his brother (even though his brother had no business sense and was broke himself) he backed out of the deal.  Another man who stands more prominent in history took action.  This man's name is Ray Kroc and his Deal was with Maurice and Richard McDonald. He later bought their shares.  Kroc took action and helped to create a legacy.  This occurred in 1954. Kroc died in 1984 and McDonalds has no end in sight.  How will you create a legacy for your future generations.

At some Point you will be forced to live by your faith or the consequences of your doubt.  Most people go through life never have lived.  "Oh God to reach the point of death realizing that you have never lived".
Henry David Thoreau .   Do it now because you cannot do it from the grave. No one can go back and start a new beginning. but anyone can start today and make a new ending" Maria Robinson.  It does not matter what your back ground is, your level of education, color, sex, or creed may be. You can achieve such greatness if you just take action.  I know it may be down terrifying to think about it.  But which is scarier to you to begin your path to greatness or to keep living the life you live?  The First step in getting somewhere is to decide you are not going to stay where you are". J P Morgan.  If you were laying down and it was uncomfortable for you, what would you do?  Move, right?  Well ask yourself, are you comfortable living the life you live.  How comfortable are you with the uncertainty of your family's future?  Did I mention that you can achieve this with an army of people behind you that only want to see your success.  Starting out in business can be hard but you are not alone. You may be in business for yourself but you do not have to be by yourself.  You can if you choose, I do not suggest it.

We learn by mentors and mistakes. Mistakes are costly.  They cost time, which we can never get back.  Mistakes take energy that should be applied to a proven system geared for success.  It is okay to make mistakes as long as you learn from them.  But why not learn from the mistakes of others at no cost to you.  I know that may sound like a totally new and unheard of concept.  however you can get MENTORING FOR FREE.  If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, snd become more, you are a leader". John Quincey Adams  Think of all the followers that are waiting for you to become their leader.  What will become of them if you never step up. 

Success always starts with Desire and your desire will lead you to faith and because of it you act.  It sounds like a recipe for success to me.  I know you are eager to get started now so I will end this series.  I hope you have enjoyed it.  If you missed my first two posts you can click to read the first "Is your desire strong enough for success" or the second "Faith without works is dead"  I will leave you with this quote by Earl Nightingale "If you can hold it in your head you can hold it in your hand"

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Faith without works is dead!

Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.  The bible is full of scriptures about faith, but what most people miss in this first verse of Hebrews 11 is the first word.  The first word in Hebrews 11:1 is not faith, it is "NOW".  "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen".  That first word is powerful.  If you had the thing you were hoping for you would not need faith.  In John 20:29 Jesus says "Blessed are those that believe and have not seen".

It doesn't take much faith to have a job.  When you are hired you know how much you are going to make and you work knowing that your paycheck will be that amount. (after Uncle Sam gets his cut of course.  However as an entrepreneur you build business in the hopes that you will be successful.  If you do not truly believe you will be, more than likely you are not going to put in the effort needed.  when you fail you have the frame of mind to think "well I'm glad I didn't give it my all".  I'll give you a moment to think about that.

Did you get it yet?  You failed because you did not give it your all.  You had no faith in yourself or your business.  How do you ever expect to accomplish anything if you half do it?  Henry Ford said "Failure is only the opportunity to begin again, only this time more wisely."   Think of the possibilities of putting your all into it and having your dreams come true.  This is the only thought there should ever be.  So often we think "what if I fail?"   Well with that attitude you will.  Your only question should be "what if I make it".  Or better yet, what am I going to do when I make it.  As you think about your success you envision all those things you dream of coming to pass.  It is those things that you Desire that can help keep your faith alive

"Faith without works is dead" "Show me your faith apart from your works, and I will show you my faith by my works".  Does it make sense to say that you want to become wealthy and never work towards creating wealth?  So you show your faith by working towards your goals.   JP Morgan said "Go as far as you can see and when you get there you will be able to see farther"  Just like when you got into business you didn't know how to make it successful but you took that step.  Now you can see SUCCESS IN TEN STEPS.  And after you download and read that e-book you will see a lot farther then you could have ever dreamed of.  Trust me it only gets better after that.

Most people want to be successful, but few can actually see it for themselves.  If you have no faith, trick yourself by just doing it anyway and make the universe think you believe in yourself.  I love Nike's slogan "Just do it".  I love it because having all the desire and faith in the world is useless unless you take Action. Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and remember when ever you think to your self that something is impossible say to yourself  I'M POSSIBLE!

Other Bible verses on faith:

Matthew 17:20
And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove ; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.

Matthew 21:21
Jesus replied, "I tell you the truth, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, 'Go, throw yourself into the sea,' and it will be done.

Matthew 14:31
Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. "You of little faith," he said, "why did you doubt?"

Mark 9:23
 23Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.

Mark 11:22-24
 22. And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God.   23. For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.   24. Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.

Genesis 11:6
...and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.

Romans 4 :17
...Calls things not as tho they are.  

Great quotes on faith
"Success in competition should be the outcome of quality training, not chance or luck. It should be planned for and thus expected."-Anne Bankraft

Leap and grow wings on the way down"  Henry Ford

"To accomplish great things we must not only act but also dream not only plan but believe" Anatole France

“Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe.”  Gail Devers

“When you have come to the edge Of all light that you know And are about to drop off into the darkness Of the unknown, Faith is knowing One of two things will happen: There will be something solid to stand on or You will be taught to fly”   Patrick Overton

“You block your dream when you allow your fear to grow bigger than your faith.”  Mary Manin Morrissey

“Faith is a knowledge within the heart, beyond the reach of proof.”   Kahlil Gibran

Friday, July 15, 2011

Is your desire strong enough for success

When thinking of Desire the first thing most people think of is lust for another.  However I am not referring to sexual desire. I am referring to the desire for change, or more specifically for success.  The bible says in proverbs 13:12 "Hope deferred maketh the heart sick: but when the desire cometh, it is a tree of life. ".  Trees, like all living things must be fed.  What ever you feed grows and whatever you don't feed dies.

How do you fuel desire?  Very simple, keep it alive.  Feed it.   Work toward those things you desire.  Everyday strive towards your goals.  You may need to get yourself a wealth accountability partner.  If you do not  know anyone that can help you with this, leave a comment below and let me know, I will help you.

Napolean hill in his best selling book Think and Grow Rich said  "The starting point of all achievement is desire.  Keep this constantly in mind.  Weak desire brings weak results, Just as a small amount of fire makes a small amount of heat"

It is your desires that keeps you motivated to continue when every one else has quit and beckons you to join them.  Michelangelo once stated   "The greater danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it."  Your goals are not in danger of being too big, only in danger of being too small.  What ever you want in this world can be yours if only you do so desire it.  If you believe you can become a millionaire you're absolutely right. However if you believe you cannot you are also right. 

But desire is just a starting point. It is that pivotal moment when you say Enough is enough, or I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired and I desire more. More often than not it is because of a tangible item.  You may see an exotic car or a million dollar house that you want to raise your kids in so they can leave it to the generations to come. This is great. There is nothing wrong with that. It gives you the drive you need to start your  own business so that you can get those things that your heart desires.  Hopefully your desire is big enough that you can create a legacy from it.  This is when having a Vision board comes into play.  Don't worry if you have never heard of one. I will be doing a post of what a vision board is and how to make one at the end of this series.  When we set small goals that are easily reached we get them and then what?  Do you stop there?  Or do you have the next goal in place to keep you motivated to keep working that business?

My goals had me working a job and working my business while I was there. At a point I realized that I made more per hour working my business then what I was being paid. My shift ran from 1PM till 9Pm and after work when I got home and got all settled in I would work my business from 10 PM till about 3Am.  Okay I'll be honest. 3Am was if I took off early. Which was rare.  Most nights I had to glance at the wall to see the first rays of the sun gleaming in on me.  It is such a beautiful sight to see the sun rise.  However some days I had to work an early shift and when I saw My Lords Glory at work I realized that I had to be at work in a few hours.  It takes Big goals to work that hard.  Although I do not suggest working that hard to anyone.  However, the desire to achieve your goals should be great enough to cause you to go that extra mile.

This post is the first of a three part series.  The next post will be on Faith and the last being Action. So please subscribe to this blog and make sure you check back for the next chapter

Sunday, July 10, 2011

The 3 As Needed for Success

There are 3 A's needed for your success.  Not taking anything away from the other letters like b for business, c for communication, d for diligence, Et cetera.  Today we shall focus on A.  Three of them to be exact.  They are Acquire, Assemble, and Apply.

To be successful in your mlm companies or other businesses there are a few things you need to acquire.  The first and in my eyes most important tool to have in your arsenal  is a mentor.  Even if you haven't quite figured out what it is you want to do yet, a mentor can help guide you in the right direction.  The reason I have placed this first when hardly anyone I know has used this as their first step is simply because hardly anyone I know has used this as their first step!  You've heard the horror stories from successful people of how many mistakes they have made or how hard it was starting out.  A mentor can help make your transition into the business world a lot less painful.  Remember we learn by mentorship and mistakes.  Which do you want to learn by?

You also need to Acquire skills to run your business.  I know when I first started out I would sign up for every e-book, webinar, 7 day video series, and anything else I could get my hands on.  But doing it this way gave me information overload.  Not to mention all the useless junk cluttering up my hard drive.  Having a mentor can help you weed through this junk to get to what works.  Remember time is precious and your mentor can help you use yours wisely.

Next assemble the sequences of how  you want to approach your business and the people you need to talk to.  A good mentor will also give you the tools and social media networks needed to help you insure your success. You will need to come up with a game plan to utilize these tools most effectively.  Facebook is a great marketing tool but 90% of marketers use it wrong.  Do you see all the pictures you and your friends are getting tagged in.  Very annoying isn't it?  How far do you think that's going to get them.  Do you know facebook is a social media network? Therefore, it is used to build relationships.  I am reminded of the movie Field of Dreams  The famous line says "If you build it they will come".  Build a relationship and they will come to you begging to join.  Also if you do it this way you can decide the people you want in your business.  I know that sounds weird because you may feel that you want everyone to join. But there are a lot of conniving people out there and trust me you do not want them in your business.

The last step  in this 3 step process is to apply.  All of the training and latest techniques in the world are useless unless you put them into action.  I know this step can be terrifying for many but it might help you to read my blog  titled The hardest part is to start.  It just might give you the push you need to get started.  I'll end this here because I know you're eager to get started but before you do I want to make sure you're off to a good start.  If you do not have a mentor already you can click here to get MENTORING FOR FREE.  So go ahead, learn well, have fun, and be successful.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

It's not your fault!

If I told you that I wanted to give you something, and the only thing I asked in return is that you accept the blessing bestowed upon you what would your response be?  If I told you that the reason your business is at the brink of failure is not your fault, would you allow me to take a picture of your facial expression?  And lastly, if I told you that both are true and  if only you could accept those facts your life could change tremendously would you be willing to read on?

Since I still have your attention I will say that at minimum I have intrigued you. So I thank you.  I realize that many of you at this point are thinking of all the gurus you have heard of, payed money to, or read about.  Maybe you are wondering how much money I'm going to ask you for before I give  you the next big thing that will unlock the gate that opens the flood waters of all your dreams over night. Well I say to you if you honestly believe all of your dreams can be achieved overnight I say to you keep dreaming.  However, when you wake up grab a pen and paper because you might wanna take notes.

Every thing you have dreamed of can be your everyday reality. Your every hope of a new life for you and your family is well within reach.  All you have to do is grab hold of your dreams and never let go.  I want to help you focus for a second to let you know that I am not trying to hype you up.  Rome was not built in a day, neither were you so how could your wealth?  Its gonna take some work on your part.  Research, dedication and syndication  are keys to your success. But before you can understand those things you must understand that failure in business is simply poor mental conditioning.  But if you can just get rid of the clutter and open your mind to a system that can guarantee your success you can guarantee your success.

Yes it will take work on your part but isn't your job work?  If you stopped working would you still get a check?  No?  I can show you something that will.  This is called residual income.  It means getting paid over and over for work you have already done.  But first you must condition yourself to think differently.  Have you been taught to make a list of all your friends and family so that you can sell them your opportunity and don't take no for an answer?  Let me tell you this will only leave you with less friends, and family members that will no longer accept your phone calls.  Are you taught to find anyone that will listen to you and sign them up?  Understand that most people you sign up will only take up your time and energy to only quit on you.  This system will show you how to target "go-getter's" who seek you out.

Are you tired of programs that tell you that they can give you the world and you realize that there is no way you can do what they do? Are you paying hundreds or maybe thousands every month for coaching?  Would you like to learn of a system created by individuals who have decades in the business and are willing to show you exactly how they do it?  Your intention is to make money, therefore I will not ask for any of it.  You're going to need to put it into your business so you can use it for that dream vacation later.  That's called rewarding yourself  for a job well done.

At this point I will end this blog post because if you aren't serious about your success nothing I can say will motivate you so I won't waste my time.  If you are serious about your business and it's success and you want to know where to go from here download Success in 10 steps.  This book is powerful!  It can teach you how to think so that you can understand that you have been taught wrong about business.  This is only the beginning of your journey.  After reading this book you will have access to free training that taps into all aspects of what you need to become successful.   Training calls that help you to gain a mental cleanse and place you in position with the top people in the industry.  So thank you for takeing  the time out to read this.  If I can help just one person to change their life and place them on the path to success I have succeeded.  Remember you are in business for yourself not by yourself.

Monday, July 4, 2011

How will you celebrate?

Every year on this day we celebrate or nations birthday, with fireworks.  We do this to commemorate the great accomplishment of becoming an independent nation.  Cook outs, parties, and the day off from work is a great way to celebrate Independence day.  How do you celebrate it?  How do you celebrate your birthday or other holidays?  How will you celebrate your first successful year in business?

Haven't thought about it yet huh?  Well you should.  You should have as part of your game plan how you plan to reward yourself for all of the hard work you have done.  Not only after a year but after milestones as well.  To be successful in business you need to have effective goals in place.  Short term as well as long term goals that are trackable and realistic.  When you reach a milestone you should reward yourself.  This is when having a vision board pays off.  A vision board is a board (like the one in school for science projects) that you place pictures on of things you desire.

 Pictures of exotic cars, million dollar dream homes, businesses you want to own and schools you want to open are a few things that one might place on a vision board.  Smaller things can also be put on it such as clothes, jewelry, gadgets that might currently be out of your price range.  Even if it is something that you can afford currently, putting off on buying it now is great motivation to achieve your goals so that you you can reward your self with it later.

So if you are truly serious about business and your success in it, make sure you get yourself a vision board, start taking your goals, and reward yourself for your accomplishments. This will motivate you to do more which will elevate your business to greater heights. So enjoy this 4th of July have fun and remember to save a plate for me.  : )

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Do you run, walk or crawl through life?

 There is an MMA fighter considered the greatest of all time.  His record stands with one loss.  When asked how he felt about his first loss he said  "You can never stand unless you are willing to fall"  If you never fall then you never understand the joy of getting up and succeeding.

When you learned to talk you started by pronouncing words wrong. When you learned to walk you started by crawling around.  Then you started to muster up confidence and grabbed on to something pulling yourself up.  Then you really got bold and decided to take your first step. You may have fallen right away or maybe after a few steps.  But what if you decided that you didn't want to go through that again?  You would have to go through life on your hands and knees.

There are so many people crawling through life, maybe not literally but in business.  Just like a baby learning to walk falls and gets back up we as adults need to learn how to do this.  If the child is ambitious and tries to run he falls hard.  But gets back up and tries again. Some adults try a business and fall and some get really ambitious and fall hard. In life it's not about how many times you fall, fail, or get disappointed but how many times you get back up that matters.

Think about when you learned to ride a bike for the first time. Do you remember the breeze on your face as you whizzed by with your new freedom of not having training wheels?  Do you remember trying to turn to look at your parent to say look I'm doing it and realizing they were no longer holding on to you.

Just as a baby needs a hand to hold to learn to walk and a child needs someone to steady them as they learn to ride a bike we as entrepreneurs need a hand to hold until we can run a business by ourselves.  If you are serious about your business you need someone who is successful that can teach you how to do what they did.

Now you can hire a coach to teach you business. If you have thousands of dollars to invest.  Investing in your self is the best thing you can do.  However, if they will only do it if you pay them how can you be sure they have your best intentions in mind.  Besides that what if you don't have thousands of dollars to pay for coaching?  Even if you do have the money why pay for coaching when you can get Mentoring for free.  A mentor provides guidance, motivation, emotional support, and role modeling in an effort to help you to become successful.  It must be exciting for you to know that you don't have to go through business alone.  I remember when I first met my mentor. The realization that it wasn't my fault that I wasn't successful almost made me want to cry.   I don't know how I was able to hold my composure on that first phone call.  She knew what I was going through because she was once where I was.

You no longer have to keep falling in your business you can follow a proven plan that can guarantee your success.  I want to see just how serious you are about your success.  I'll make a deal with you.  If you take the first step towards your success I'll do the second step. Deal?  Okay the first step is to Download and read SUCCESS IN TEN STEPS and get back to me within 72 hours and I will make sure you get a mentor that will help you achieve the success you are looking for.   I know you might be wondering if there is a catch.  There is one.  You have to have the desire, dedication, and determination to succeed.  You must be coachable and willing to take action.  and last you must be willing to do this absolute free of charge.  Yup that's right no charge and I won't take no for an answer.

Honestly, how long are you going to spend time with something that has no future.  Are you going to continue to crawl through life?  Or are you going to allow yourself to be taught how to walk, run, and then fly.  The choice is yours!

Friday, July 1, 2011

4 evolutionary stages of success

Success is a state of mind. Success is not measured by plaques on a wall, money in a bank, or number of cars in the driveway of your dream house.  I can just hear the gasps from my readers and the looks of disgust from those that disagree with me. However I want you to realize what I mean by this.  If your goal was to get that plaque then you have succeeded.  Kudos to you.  But if your goal was to get the plaque so that you can get a promotion at work but you did not get the promotion did you succeed?  hmm Think about it.  You become a success when those goals you have set for yourself are accomplished.  How many people are extremely rich but feel unfulfilled, living life with regrets?  Therefore,  I say you become successful within your mind when you achieve those things you strive for.  With that being said lets get into it.

1) The first stage is the bondage stage.  It represents the worlds system of sending you to school to learn how to work for someone else rather than teaching you entrepreneurship so that you can work for yourself. (no wonder we are in a depression!)  This stage teaches you don't borrow money, don't take risks, and save for a rainy day.  But then we grow up and take out a loan to buy a house. What about going to venture capitalists to help you start a business. I guess that's out because borrowing money is bad. (go figure)  As far as risks go.  Is it truly a risk if you have done your due diligence and learned how to avoid the pitfalls.  Saving for a rainy day is good but investing it in a business that will give you RESIDUAL INCOME  will give you an umbrella for the storm or afford you to be able to move to a better climate.  Plus if you are getting residual income every week you can invest some back into your business creating more wealth allowing you to buy the things you want and at the same time put money in the bank.

If you are reading this I believe you have moved past  stage 1 because you are learning how to make a change.

2) This stage is called the reason stage.  It is at this stage that you create reasons for you to change.  This is where you find a product to sell, start a business, or join a mlm company.  If you find yourself at this stage knowing that you want something that will give you more than a 9 to 5 minimum wage salary lets talk about it I can help you.  I can equip you with the right training to help you become successful in any business. This training will help you to skip the next stage.

3)  Unfortunately stage 3 is the Terror/barrier zone.   Almost every millionaire, multimillionaire, and billionaire has gone through this stage.  It is because of them going through it that we do not have to.  This is the stage where your business has failed you have lost it all and now you have the unwanted privilege of hearing your friends and family tell you how stupid you were.  This is the enemy's last attempt to take you bake to the bondage stage.  This is also the stage where you start to rationalize (ration the lies) to your mind.  When you tell yourself that you really don't need those things you desire. Trepidation kicks in and you have to make a decision.  Do you get up dust yourself off and keep going or do  you put your time, talent, and treasure into a job that is geared to transform you into a rechargeable battery. To get up every day and work your energy and life away making someone else rich depleting yourself just to get off work to go home and recharge to do it again the next day.  I have been at this stage and lost a lot of money.  However as I said in step 2 with the right training and mentorship you can skip this step. We learn from mentorship and mistakes.  But why not learn from mentorship and the mistakes of others.

4)  Success. Ahh sweet success! That's what it's all about. When finally all those sleepless nights and busy days pay off. When we walk a path few have chosen, the path of the elite.  One of my mentors loves  to use a quote that says "The race to become a millionaire has so few participants in it that even the losers are winners".  It doesn't matter who gets there first only that you never give up until you reach the finish line.  At this point people start to place you on a pedestal because it is the only way to rationalize (ration the lies) in their mind  telling them they can not do it themselves.  Now you may be saying to yourself this all sounds  fine and good but How is it done? Mostly every one starts out at step 1 and goes through them one by one until they reach step 3 where they revert back to stage 1 and live the rest of their days in bondage.  But you can change how you go about this.  By following a proven system and being coachable you can tap into a community that will guarantee your success.  If you are serious about your success take a moment to read SUCCESS IN TEN STEPS and contact me so I can plug you into a free mentoring program where we can work on a game plan for your success.  By reading this book and putting it's principles into effect you can make this process quicker and more prosperous by skipping stage 3.  Thank you for your time and I'll see you on the other side.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

No one can raise to low expectations!

No matter what your background, color, sex, creed, or financial situation may be, your previous failures in business are not your fault!  It's simply that no one ever told you what you were capable of.  All of your life you were only told what you could not do.

Allow me to tell you a story.  On a bright sunny day I decided to get  the oil in my car changed.  As I sat in the waiting room I saw a mother with her pre-teen daughter and toddler son.  It was mid September however upon the wall hung a Christmas decoration.  Now  I tried to focus on the self help book I was reading.  However, the child jumping for all his worth to reach this ornament caught my attention. For some strange reason I was fascinated by this child.  A smile came across my face as I watched pure innocence.

Then from nowhere I heard something very disturbing coming from his sister. The one charged with helping him to grow.  Bear in mind I take nothing away from the parent.  However, the old adage tells us that it takes a village to raise a child

Interrupting me for the second time was a voice pertaining not to me saying "You Will never reach it. No matter how high you jump".  Needless to say I was heart broken.  Not for myself, but for that child. Because first i realized that "THE DEVIL IS A LIAR"!  Secondly I realized that the message given to him was one of many that would steal from him the natural power that God gave him.

At that moment I realized that it would become embedded in him that no matter how hard he tried he would never reach his goals in life.

Think for a moment those individuals that did this to you. Okay that was to much time.  I am a firm believer that the only reason to look at the past is for laughs and lessons.  What have you learned from this look at your past?

SB Fuller's mother told him. "Do not blame God because we are poor.  We are poor because your father never had the desire to be rich".

Do you have that desire?  Maybe your desire is only to afford you to quit your job.  Remember your vision is not in danger of being too big.  Only in danger of being to small.

Whatever in life you have wanted and not received is only because someone talked you out of it.  If you would like to learn how to clean out the clutter in your mind please contact me so that I can get you on a mental cleanse where you can get rid of the stinking thinking and gain the glory of being the king or queen that God called you to be.  In the mean time please accept SUCCESS IN TEN STEPS as my free gift for taking the time to read my blog. Have a blessed day

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Time management- putting the big rocks in first.

One of my mentors told me a story one day that really got me to thinking.  He told the story of a professor who was teaching his class about time management.  The professor got the attention of his class with a demonstration.  He placed a jar on his desk and filled it with rocks.  Then he asked his class "Is the jar filled?"  The class said "yes!"  "Really?"  He asked

Then he reached under his desk and grabbed a bucket of pebbles and proceeded to pour them in.  He filled it up and  shook it a little to allow the pebbles to settle in the crevices between the rocks.  Again he asked his class "Is the jar full?"  In unison the class responded "Yes!"  "Nope" He said "Not yet".  

Then he produced a bucket of sand and proceeded to pour the sand into the jar filling it to the rim.  Then he stopped to ask his class again.  "Now is it full?"  after a moments hesitation a few members of the class said "No".  "Now you're thinking" He told his class.

He produced a glass of water and poured it into the jar until it almost overflowed.  Looking up at his class he asked "What is the purpose of this illustration?"   One very eager student raised his hand and said "No matter how busy you think your schedule is, there's always room for more".

"Unfortunately" The instructor said "No, the purpose of this demonstration is that if you do not put the big rocks in first they will never fit".

When I heard this story I was astonished. I felt a light go off.  To have the essence of time management explained so simply was a great revelation to me.  Now for those of you that have never heard this story or may not understand, let me explain.  The big rocks are a metaphor for the major projects you have in your life.  That great idea you have for creating a business, product, maybe writing an ebook, or any major thing that propels you forward.

The  pebbles represent your job and the things that put food on your table.  Yes this is important but I want you to look at the ceiling on your job.  How far can you go before you reach the height of what they will pay you?  Does your job provide you the lifestyle you dream of?  Will it afford you wealth for your future generations?  Don't get me wrong I'm not telling you to quit your job.  You have to keep your job so that you can pay your bills until your business will.  It is said that any business that you work less than 20 hours a week (after work) is a hobby.

The sand represents your day to day activities.  Now of course picking the kids up, doing the shopping, and running your errands must be done however realize that if you put the necessary effort into YOUR BUSINESS it will free up more time for those things.

The water is your entertainment.  The things that don't really matter. The news, the ball game, those dreaded reality shows. Anything of minimal importance that you use to entertain yourself.  You have to take time away sometimes for yourself otherwise you go crazy. But realize that these activities take time away from your wealth creation.  Sacrificing a little water now will give you rivers later.

Please enjoy this video of Stephen Covey demonstrating this principle. 

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Reciprocity- How it can help your mlm companies and other business.

Reciprocity refers to responding to a positive action with another positive action, It sounds like the reverse of Karma huh? When ever we think of Karma we think of those that have messed over us and Karma is that retribution that will get them back for us, right Well in thinking that way I want you to remember that Karma doesn't need any help. You helping Karma only makes Karma's job harder. ( I hope you understand that) 

But here I strive only for positivity so I will tell you how reciprocity can help you in business. We live in a technological society therefore most people look for their daily dose of information from the internet. Whether it be from their favorite news site, discussion board, your blog or any other medium of information.  

The bottom line is that people spend a lot of time on the internet looking for good information. Is the information that you put out good? Of course you would say so. But what about others? Do they think so? How do you know? Generally you will know that others like your content because they "share" it. Which just means that they have taken the time to let the people they connect with know about it. 

Face book and Twitter are social networks that gain a lot of exposure. A "like" on Facebook or a "tweet" on Twitter can very easily become a catalyst for a message to go viral (an object or pattern that is able to induce some agents to replicate it, resulting in many copies being produced and spread around). Just think of what it would mean for your business if you were able to create a message or campagne that went viral. 

Many things go viral on the internet that no one expected would. But what if you wanted to get the word out about your product, service, or expertise about a certain topic. How would you begin your "Viral campagne"? Post it all over your face book wall, maybe bug your friends and family, blast it on twitter for the whole world to see? That sounds good... But...I know that word comes down like a hammer however let's be realistic here. Even if you have a vast following on Facebook and twitter how many of them will read it and share with others? And besides SPAM sucks. 

The word we are looking for here is syndication. Content syndication to be exact. Wikipedia calls it a relatively cheap, free and easy form of advertisement. It takes some work. But if you are diligent it can quickly help you move up the ranks to get towards that coveted 1st page on Google. 

So how do you create content syndication? Well first, and I cannot stress this enough you must have great content. If you are not putting out good quality information why are you doing it? Just to get a quick sale? Well, then I'm not talking to you. I have a parting gift for you before you leave though. Please read Success in 10 steps and contact me when you are serious. But for those serious about making a change, it's all about networking. 

To become successful you must network. I'll talk more about this in a later blog but for now lets look at the networks you belong to. I'll assume you are familiar with Facebook and Twitter. But do you know about Digg, Stumble upon,delicious and the many other social bookmarking sites? A social bookmarking site is basically a place where you can organize your favorite websites.  

The great thing is that these sites will create whats called a back link to you blog or website. I'll get to back links in another blog post but if you have any questions please feel free to leave a comment and let me know. Many people have created syndication networks where your post can be read and shared by many others. If this interests you please let me know so that I can help you get your QUALITY content shared. 

This is reciprocity at its finest. You read great content and want to share it with others and in return the others will want to share your content because it creates value. And Value is what we all want.  

If before reading this blog your main goal was just to get the sale and you have found yourself tagging your friends every other week with the "next big thing" please take the time to read Success in ten steps and allow it to change your life. Don't worry it's not another book that tells you what to think. It teaches you how to think so that you can become successful in any business. If you do not have a business you are in the right place because this book is a great place to start.