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Sunday, September 11, 2011

A day in my life

I just wanted to take you guys on a quick tour of my day. This is the entrance to my 1.6 million dollar house. I generally wake up around 6:30 to wake the kids up. I love the look on their face when I kiss them good morning and the wife loves it because she doesn't have to get up early.  I always tell her that she doesn't need the beauty rest but she loves her dreams.  She tells me that she dreams in color (what ever that means).  Then I like to check my bank account while the kids get washed up.  luckily I have 5 bathrooms, so no one has to fight over them.  Generally over night I usually make between 5-8 thousand dollars.  Depending on how late I worked the night before it may be $10,000.   Then I set up the automation for the day.  The tweets and social media messages I want to go out and at what time I want them to go out. At 7 AM I go down to the kitchen where my chief has breakfast ready for the kids.  I heard breakfast is the most important meal of the day.  I always tell him to make a meal for him instead of me because I've never been a breakfast person.  I just take a shot of LIMU PLUS and my VITA ONE, don't worry I'll grab a big lunch later.

 At 7:45 my driver is at the door to take them to school. After he drops them off he's headed to the airport to chauffeur for several companies that I rent him out to. It doesn't pay a great deal after it covers his full salary plus benefits which include his housing, medical, tuition for his children as well as the insurance for my fleet of 6 luxury cars.  I'm not going to talk about my cars here because I don't want to seem as if I'm bragging. At that point my chief goes over to my restaurant to start on the lunch menu and to get his staff ready to cater what ever wedding or event is being held.  I keep telling him to hire a bigger staff, but he likes the crew he has and since he makes the meals for my family I like what ever makes him happy.

At about 8:15 I take a tray up to my sleeping beauty.  I like to make her breakfast in bed myself.  She actually has gotten spoiled by it because I see the smile on her face as I step off of the elevator.  I always wonder how long she's been up waiting on this.  And although the juice is freshly squeezed from our own orange trees I still say her kisses are the sweetest.  I log back on to my computer to make sure that everything is set up for the day and to read my emails and put together a revised TO-DO list.  I always make one before bed for the next day but  a new day brings new ideas.  So I add them as well.  My wife holds conference calls while she eats and it's funny to say that at any given point I have no idea which of her nonprofit organizations she's on the line with because she hardly ever talks. she just listens and occasionally gives an idea. I asked her about it and she says that's why she hires those people because they can run the company with little input from her.  She was the one that let me know how much money could be made in non profit. Go figure.  After I log off and place her tray in the dumb waiter we bounce ideas off each other while the recorder tracks those golden nuggets. Then we hold each other and go back to sleep.

This is about the time that most of you wake p to go to your hum drum 9-5 robot like no future having job where you are reduced to the likes of a battery. Now understand I've told you this not to brag or make you feel bad about your life because of the way I live only to open your eyes to show you what you can have if only you stop blaming yourself and do something about it.  I can provide you with the tools.  I can give you the mentor-ship you need to achieve the life style of YOUR dreams.  I'm no different than you. I recieved my high school diploma from one of the worst schools in Detroit.

The difference is that I never gave up. And I will continue to work my business until I get all of the things I wrote about in this post.  Now this story is not the life I live but this is the life I see for myself.  and who said I cannot have it.  I will continue to work my business until all of those dreams come true and at that point I'll have to replace them with new ones. This is what motivates me to continue to work late into the night and continue when it gets hard and stressful.  I will not be satisfied until my children's, children's, great, great grand children are set for the rest of their lives.  This is what motivates me.  What about you?  No I did not write this post just to gas you up.  This is actually the life I see for myself as I glance at the pictures on my Vision board. If you have never heard of one or would like to know how to create one, check out my post   Can a vision board help your success.  And remember "your dreams are not in danger of being to big, only in danger of being too small.