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Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Hardest Part is to Start!

Newtons Law of Motion states that objects in motion tend to stay in motion while objects at rest tend to stay at rest. This state changes when an external force is applied to it either stopping or starting it's motion

 When  ever something is being pushed or pulled the hardest struggle is to get it moving. once it gets moving momentum starts to pick up and makes the job easier. If it has wheels it begins to coast toward your destination. In the case of a snowball rolling down hill you can either roll with it or run out the way.

Most people want to create a better life for themselves and their families by starting a business.
Realizeing that their day to day efforts at the 9 to 5 serve only to create more wealth for the boss.
This is beautiful. Having the state of mind to put forth the effort to create wealth for oneself is very admirable.

But fear kicks in and the object is never put into motion. I have a saying that I like to tell people. It says
"The same wall that you build to keep out hurt is the same wall that keeps out happiness". I've always used this to relate to relationships however it applies here as well. The fear of failure or not being good enough keeps people  from stepping out on faith and changing the quality of their lives

What those people do not realize is that by not pursuing those dreams they have already failed. By not pursuing that business idea you have failed yourself and your family. Three of the top excuses are  1) I cannot afford it.2) I don't have the time.  3)I don't know anything about business. Those seem to be very good reasons.

 But I say 1)your lack of finance is the reason for you to create wealth. 2) Once your business is up running and successful you will have more time for your family and hobbies because eventually you will be able to quit your 9 to 5 and set your own hours. 3) All the training you need is at your disposal on the internet.

If you believe you you can do it you are right. But if you believe you can't do it you are also right. Your success depends on you taking that first step. So ask your self whats holding you back. What is so important in your life that you chose not to make sure that your family never has to worry about money. Saving up for your kids education? Well, starting a business can make sure that your children's children are set for life. Thats my goal. yours may be different. You might want a shiny new car or your dream house or what ever reason you may have you can do it. But you have to take the first step and decide you want change!

In his speech on Febuary 5, 2008 president Barack Obama said "Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek". and former president Bill Clinton put it so greatly when he said "The price of doing the same old thing is far higher than the price of change".

No one can make you do it, you have to make the decision to change. But once that decision is made help is available to you. I read a book by Michael Dlouhy entitled SUCCESS IN TEN STEPS that changed my life. It made me rethink how I do business and it can be just as life changing for you as well if you let it. It is as simple as downloading it, reading it, and putting it to action. While reading it you wont find any ads claiming they can turn you into an overnight millionaire, or professing to be the next big thing.

Success in 10 steps teaches you how to think not what to think and works for any business. I am not charging you for this book. It is my gift to you for reading my blog as well as my first attempt in helping you to become successful. After reading it you can contact me if you have any questions or want to put together a game plan for your success. And I do all this for free on your time. So now that I've taken away the 3 excuses whats holding you back? Download your free copy of SUCCESS IN TEN STEPS today!

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