How do you fuel desire? Very simple, keep it alive. Feed it. Work toward those things you desire. Everyday strive towards your goals. You may need to get yourself a wealth accountability partner. If you do not know anyone that can help you with this, leave a comment below and let me know, I will help you.
Napolean hill in his best selling book Think and Grow Rich said "The starting point of all achievement is desire. Keep this constantly in mind. Weak desire brings weak results, Just as a small amount of fire makes a small amount of heat"
It is your desires that keeps you motivated to continue when every one else has quit and beckons you to join them. Michelangelo once stated "The greater danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it." Your goals are not in danger of being too big, only in danger of being too small. What ever you want in this world can be yours if only you do so desire it. If you believe you can become a millionaire you're absolutely right. However if you believe you cannot you are also right.
But desire is just a starting point. It is that pivotal moment when you say Enough is enough, or I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired and I desire more. More often than not it is because of a tangible item. You may see an exotic car or a million dollar house that you want to raise your kids in so they can leave it to the generations to come. This is great. There is nothing wrong with that. It gives you the drive you need to start your own business so that you can get those things that your heart desires. Hopefully your desire is big enough that you can create a legacy from it. This is when having a Vision board comes into play. Don't worry if you have never heard of one. I will be doing a post of what a vision board is and how to make one at the end of this series. When we set small goals that are easily reached we get them and then what? Do you stop there? Or do you have the next goal in place to keep you motivated to keep working that business?
My goals had me working a job and working my business while I was there. At a point I realized that I made more per hour working my business then what I was being paid. My shift ran from 1PM till 9Pm and after work when I got home and got all settled in I would work my business from 10 PM till about 3Am. Okay I'll be honest. 3Am was if I took off early. Which was rare. Most nights I had to glance at the wall to see the first rays of the sun gleaming in on me. It is such a beautiful sight to see the sun rise. However some days I had to work an early shift and when I saw My Lords Glory at work I realized that I had to be at work in a few hours. It takes Big goals to work that hard. Although I do not suggest working that hard to anyone. However, the desire to achieve your goals should be great enough to cause you to go that extra mile.
This post is the first of a three part series. The next post will be on Faith and the last being Action. So please subscribe to this blog and make sure you check back for the next chapter
You just have to have to know exactly what you want to have just like if you were ordering a hamburger at a restaurant. When the waitress asks you how do you want it done, you have to tell her exactly of course because if you do not then you can wind up with a hamburger that is rare cooked and has blood in it, a good burger for me is well done. Then it is delicious.
ReplyDeleteIn order for us to have a delicious business we not only have to have a desire to help the prospect but we gotta know how to help him out. That is we got to find out why does he want to earn an extra paycheck each week? How much time is he going to put into the business every week? What is his plan of action for getting his results? We must pay attention to the answers especially to number three because if he gives us vague answers to that question then we have to tell him that it is impossible to get results with it and either us find an answer to help him out or find an expert who can.
Lawrence Bergfeld
That is a great analogy Lawrence. I agree 100% Thanks for your support