Now as we come to the conclusion of this 3 part series It's time to take some action steps. It's time to delete some people out of your life. Although this may seem hard, it is necessary. We sometimes have toxic relationships and don't even know it. Someone once said "If you hang around 9 bums you will surly become the 10th one. However if you hang around 3 millionaires it's inevitable that you will become the 4th one. Along with the mental change you must have a change of environment. Ever heard the expression "birds of a feather flock together?" Statistically you make 5-10 thousand more or less than your peers per year.
You have to surround yourself with people that believe in you and motivate you to do better. Those individuals that bring you down have to go. That is not to say that you start to walk with your nose in the air. But you must realize there has to be a change. Also understand it's not that you start deleting anyone who doesn't make a gazillion dollars, it's just that "people are like elevators they will take you up or they will take you down". Decide if you want to go up or down. I am around individuals that start to talk negative I leave.
Any and everything that you do not have in this life is because someone talked you out of it. There is an individual (sorry his name escapes me) Who wanted to invest in a business with two brothers. It was an investment of $3,000. The money was not the problem. He was excited about his plan. However upon talking to his brother he was informed of how stupid he was. Listening to his brother (even though his brother had no business sense and was broke himself) he backed out of the deal. Another man who stands more prominent in history took action. This man's name is Ray Kroc and his Deal was with Maurice and Richard McDonald. He later bought their shares. Kroc took action and helped to create a legacy. This occurred in 1954. Kroc died in 1984 and McDonalds has no end in sight. How will you create a legacy for your future generations.
At some Point you will be forced to live by your faith or the consequences of your doubt. Most people go through life never have lived. "Oh God to reach the point of death realizing that you have never lived".
Henry David Thoreau . Do it now because you cannot do it from the grave. No one can go back and start a new beginning. but anyone can start today and make a new ending" Maria Robinson. It does not matter what your back ground is, your level of education, color, sex, or creed may be. You can achieve such greatness if you just take action. I know it may be down terrifying to think about it. But which is scarier to you to begin your path to greatness or to keep living the life you live? The First step in getting somewhere is to decide you are not going to stay where you are". J P Morgan. If you were laying down and it was uncomfortable for you, what would you do? Move, right? Well ask yourself, are you comfortable living the life you live. How comfortable are you with the uncertainty of your family's future? Did I mention that you can achieve this with an army of people behind you that only want to see your success. Starting out in business can be hard but you are not alone. You may be in business for yourself but you do not have to be by yourself. You can if you choose, I do not suggest it.
We learn by mentors and mistakes. Mistakes are costly. They cost time, which we can never get back. Mistakes take energy that should be applied to a proven system geared for success. It is okay to make mistakes as long as you learn from them. But why not learn from the mistakes of others at no cost to you. I know that may sound like a totally new and unheard of concept. however you can get MENTORING FOR FREE. If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, snd become more, you are a leader". John Quincey Adams Think of all the followers that are waiting for you to become their leader. What will become of them if you never step up.
Success always starts with Desire and your desire will lead you to faith and because of it you act. It sounds like a recipe for success to me. I know you are eager to get started now so I will end this series. I hope you have enjoyed it. If you missed my first two posts you can click to read the first "Is your desire strong enough for success" or the second "Faith without works is dead" I will leave you with this quote by Earl Nightingale "If you can hold it in your head you can hold it in your hand"
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